

What is Self-Management? You Can Find Out at our Webinar

Join our free “what is self-management” webinar on Thursday 2 July – all the info, dates, times, contacts and how to log in via Zoom

What is self-management? Why it’s a game-changer. And how to unlock it for your company. Join our self-management webinar for free on 2 July 2020 and discover one of the most important new aspects of building a sustainable business.


In a nutshell, self-management is taking responsibility for your own behaviour and well being. And most people don’t even realise that somewhere along the way, we’ve stopped doing it.

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An example: Ever notice how some/many employees demand a lot of extra time to brief and manage? It’s not that they’re unequipped. Science shows this behaviour is caused and fueled by old-school organisational management systems.

If you know anything about how your brain works and the new science behind employee motivation, you’ll know that too strictly controlling what and how people perform their tasks triggers a phenomenon called mental pushback. And this erodes workplace trust and leads to poor performance and what often just looks like stubbornness and obstinance to us.

Discover it for yourself by enrolling in our new online self-management course.


In the worst cases, we see people seemingly become unable to manage themselves – you need to constantly monitor, give direction and push them to do anything. Sound familiar? What we don’t know is that years of working under the same type of systems has affected most of us with some level of dependency on management – even if we don’t see it.

Self-management seeks to break that trend. It’s a way of going back to the core and rediscovering your individual power to manage and drive yourself. It’s a thought process that helps you get things done and look at the bigger picture so you can do more, better and faster – and rediscover the joy in what you do.

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Sound intriguing? We’re hosting a webinar called “What is Self-Management?”, and you’re invited to join for FREE.


During the Covid-19 lockdown, many companies had to shift to working from home for a while. And some chinks started to show. Most notably, people were having trouble just managing their time and really delivering the way they normally would at the office. People think it’s because you need an office, but it’s not. It’s because our educational system doesn’t teach us to manage ourselves properly.

But we can learn it – and the best part is that it works wonders even when you go back to the office. It’s a game-changer. And we want to show you how to unlock self-management for yourself and your company.

Join us for a FREE webinar on Self-Management at 2pm on 2 July 2020 via Zoom. Register now.

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Dr Cobus and team are sharing over a decade’s worth of research and practical application in not only optimising your personal workflow but also how to roll-out this game-changing concept across an entire company.


  • What is Self-Management?
  • The 7 principles behind self-management and how they are different from traditional management systems (or hierarchies)
  • Real-life case studies of applying self-management principles in our own teamsAn introduction and a free trial of our new “Self-management: discovering mastery, autonomy and purpose in my work” online training course.
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This free webinar will be hosted via popular video conferencing platform Zoom. You can download Zoom on your computer or your phone via your app store, or you can even join the webinar online via your browser. How it works: Once you’ve registered for the webinar, we’ll send you a meeting ID – a 10-digit number – and with it, you can follow these steps to sign in to the webinar on 14 April at 14:00 for free:


Open the programme or app and sign in (optional), then click or tap “Join a meeting”. Enter the 10-digit meeting ID and then – importantly – select to join the webinar with device and video.

Here’s a video on logging in with your desktop PC:


If you didn’t have time to download Zoom, you can still join by going to https://join.zoom.us/ and entering your 10-digit meeting ID. Your computer will ask you if it can open Zoom? Click “open” and it’ll take you to the webinar.

If you have any trouble connecting your video and sound, here’s a handy video that shows you the sound controls:


As you can tell from the word webinar, it comes from “web + seminar”. So it’s an online workshop-style meeting. The benefit is, of course, you don’t have to physically be there, you can log in from the comfort of your home or office anywhere in the world.

Dr Cobus will be leading a presentation that you can follow on your device. And, you can interact and ask questions etc. via chats on your device.

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No. You log in with just audio, meaning you’ll be able to see and hear everything but your video won’t be active. You’ll be invited to ask questions and engage via Zoom’s built-in chat messaging 

Tip: Remember to set up how you connect your audio or video –the options are always at to bottom left of your device’s screen.

We’re looking forward to seeing you at LifeXchange Solutions’ FREE webinar on mentoring and coaching. Any questions, please contact us.

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2 July 2020 – 14:00–15:00 SAST
Platform: Zoom
Access: Register here
Contact: 071 918 3217 or solutions@lifexchange.co.za 

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