WATCH: How to Create an All-New High-Performance Culture in Your Company
3 keys to creating a high-performance culture in your company plus the benefits and importance of investing in company culture
What actually drives performance. Wilber’s theory in your company. [...]
Come See Dr Cobus Live at HR Innovation Day in Johannesburg
The neuroscience of change and boosting business performance: All the HR Innovation Day dates, times, contacts, programme, speakers, how to register and more
People of the fourth industrial [...]
Next: Progressive and Unique Business Workshops in March
From advanced new management practices to neuromanagement at Maersk, the latest tech in HR and a free webinar in March
A new way to approach management. The neuroscience of change and motivation. [...]
A Few Mindblowing Moments at the U-Turn Neuro Workshop
Delighted and inspired: We did a neuromanagement workshop with the team at U-Turn in Cape Town, and it inspired a lot of positive action
Seeing your potential. Amazed at how fast change can [...]
4 Amazingly Human Team Insights at the Safmarine Neuro Workshop
Energised and motivated: We recently did our trademark neuromanagement workshop with teams at Safmarine – here are some of the insights
An energised team. 4 Insights they loved. Tolerance and [...]
All Our Big Neuro Leadership and Business Workshops in February
The new frontier: Neuroscience for business and leadership is the name of the game at these workshops this February
What neuroscience can add for print industry management teams in Cape Town, the [...]
All-New Growth Journal: The Ultimate Brain-Based Science Way to Journal for Success
4 Keystone habit benefits, the latest neuroscience in journal form – the ideal companion to a neuromanagement workshop
90 days. 4 Remarkably powerful change-making benefits. And the latest in [...]
UPDATE: All The Big Progressive and Unique Business Workshops
Recent and upcoming: Discover fully accredited and supported workshops ranging from neuroscience for business to behavioural psychology, neurolinguistic programming and strengths-training for real [...]
8 Highlights From Our Last Public Neuro HR Workshop For The Year
Attendees share what inspired them, plus: We’re already designing the next HR Workshop for 2020
We’ve just completed the final Neuro Speciality HR Workshop of 2019, this time in Cape Town. [...]
8 Powerful Brain Insights From Cape Union Mart’s Agile Excellence Sessions
The 8 most powerful lessons from the Cape Union Agile Excellence management training sessions that Keedo founder Nelia Annandale believes everyone in business can really use
Up-regulated thinking. [...]
Feeling Positive: More Business-Brain Insights at Feedem Workshop Joburg
Energised for growth: After the highly successful Cape Town session, we presented a tailor-made neuromanagement workshop at SA catering group Feedem’s HQ
Positivity. So much energy. And [...]
Energised Team: Powerful Business-Brain Insights at Feedem Neuro Workshop
One SA’s company’s remarkable journey to empower its team with neuroscience insights for business
Energised. Refocused. And equipped with a whole new mental “language” to supercharge [...]