We Need to Talk About Poor Communication in the Workplace
Before we self-destruct: What causes poor communication in the workplace, what are some effects and examples, and how do you deal with it effectively so that your people feel respected, trusted and [...]
Workplace Exclusion: Time to Break the Big Bully-Cycle at Work
Gossip. Cliquiness. And ostracizing others. It’s all bullying behaviour. Here’s what workplace exclusion does to your business, what’s really causing it and how to break the cycle today
Big [...]
It could be your company culture: See the warnings signs, effects & disadvantages of excessive overtime, how much is too much overtime, PLUS: how to calculate it & manage your overtime [...]
Hybrid work, digital transformation and spending more time with your people – plus: 14 more vital trends for your business
People and tech. Change and AI. And the truth about company culture. [...]
New HR Software: The Big List of Exciting & Unique New HRIS for You
From next-gen to 6 awesome new local South African and 8 international HR Software solutions to check out today
Next-gen video recruitment. Cross-border tax and PAYE. And even cloud-based apps [...]
Plus: 4 New HR & Management Courses and 5 new software solutions you should know about for HR in October
The Dutch Netflix of training in SA. Employee energy. And new science in HR. Our team [...]
New Study: Effective Talent Management Needs Wellness Focus
The two go hand-in-hand: In fact, wellness seems to be a key component of managing talent – and it all comes down to your company culture
Extreme pressure. A skills shortage. And learning to [...]
All in one place: Here’s every important trend, news and insight we got into management and HR in September, to help you plan better for the future
Better women leaders. HR’s new role in [...]
Our team brings you all the most vital news, trends, insights, HR courses and HR tech from management and HR in August
Boosting job satisfaction. Making remote work better (and more productive). [...]
What is Self-Management? You Can Find Out at our Webinar
Join our free “what is self-management” webinar on Thursday 2 July – all the info, dates, times, contacts and how to log in via Zoom
What is self-management? Why it’s a game-changer. And [...]
7 Things You Should Know About Conscious Contracts
Conscious businesses perform 10x better: And integrative law experts say Conscious Contracts is giving them the edge
Conscious businesses are outperforming their peers, by a lot. As Tony Schwartz [...]
Sound Business Logic: Discover The Analytical Strengths Theme
Examples of analytical skills, what roles do you need these types of thinkers in and how to identify them in your company
Logic. Rigour. And critical thinking. People whose skills fall into the [...]