
Podcast: Energise Your Life Part 2: Who Do You Need to Be?

Being is more important than doing: Dr Cobus explains how to prepare for that impossible goal by knowing who you need to become first

In this second episode, Cobus and Tammy talk about his preparation for his 250km race! Does he really not do any physical training, but just sit on the couch in a trance? How exactly does he “prepare his mind” for the race and how can we pull these principles into our workplace and personal lives?

rt 2 – Being is more important than doing

Cobus will also talk about the equation BE + DO = HAVE! The first awesome little tool to use on your journey to reach your goal!

Episode Sponsor

Thank you LifeXchange Solutions for sponsoring this episode!

Race Sponsor

Thank you for sponsoring this race and kiting Cobus out in some Core Merino products!

Discover the entire series of neuroscience-based free podcasts that will change your life:
Part 1 of this amazing FREE podcast series to change your life.
Part 3: The elastic band effect for achieving your goal
Part 4: Attack the neuron pathway with self-talk for your goal
Part 5: Proof that mental preparation works for any goal

Plus: Read the full story of all 3 times Dr Cobus completed this impossible-seeming race and discover actual proof you can rewire your brain.

Discover how thoughts work and how they can affect behaviour in business with our look at neural pathways.

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PLUS: See our employee strengths approach in action with an inside look into the recent Goede Hoop Citrus strengths workshop.

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AND: See the benefits of our neuroscience for business with our look at the recent Feedem Neuro Workshop and Feedem Workshop Joburg.

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AND: Want to know why employees start looking for another job? Discover the mechanics behind mental pushback.

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And get the latest insights on neuroscience for business when Dr Cobus speaks live in Cape Town at this year’s HR Conference and Expo.

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