Breaking News Amazing NEW guide for parents reveals… How to get your child off the couch… Excited about their future – applying and learning… Inspired and motivated for 2023!

Download Your FREE Guide to Helping Your Child Thrive in 2023

16 pages of powerful, inspiring and motivational insights into fostering a solid relationship with your child, so you can help guide them to apply for college, get fulfilling employment and develop their dream career plan now in 2023.

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What you’ll learn in this FREE Parent’s Guide

Updated January 2023

Dear Parent,

It’s not easy when your child reaches the age where they need to decide which direction to go with their life.

All you want is the best for them – financial freedom, doing what they love, having a good life, having positive experiences…

But things don’t always go as planned…

There are so many stressors and external factors weighing on our kids today.

Some don’t complete Matric – it happens!

Others finish Matric but never apply for college – they have no clue what they want to study!

Others apply to university but don’t hear back before January – so where to now?

And the absolute worst is seeing your child just lose all hope and sit aimlessly around the house…

When they get so deflated, they don’t re-apply for college…

Or they don’t even apply for work…

And then, when you ask them about it – they BITE YOUR HEAD OFF!

Wow, it’s such a tender subject – and, let’s face it, your child is growing up.


If you’re sick of all the fighting…

And the uncertainty…

And you just want your child to get up off the couch and find some INSPIRATION.

You want them to pick a goal, re-apply or at least try to find a job…

So they can:

  • Boost their self-esteem
  • Start developing themselves
  • Start following their dreams
  • Build a life with their passions
  • Have great experience
  • And learn and grow as a young person…

Then this Guide is for YOU!

Just enter your details to download it – it’s FREE.

And, if you don’t like it, please unsubscribe.

It’s that easy. There’s no risk.

Because we promise you, if you download it, you will NEVER LOOK BACK AGAIN!

We’ve packed it with the most amazing advice for parents – using over 20 years’ experience in professional career & purpose guidance counselling.

(That’s right – this book was written by our team of Career Counsellors & Purpose Counsellors…)

And we’ve helped hundreds of young people from every walk of life – from University students to rehabilitated gangsters and everyone in-between– rediscover their passion and find direction in their life.

(Look carefully and you’ll notice we are a non-profit company, and we’re supported by the SA Department of Social Development [DSD] for our work with community youth.)

No jokes, we’ve even helped turn gangsters and homeless kids into fully fledged economically active citizens – hundreds of them, many times over.

So we know exactly how to INSPIRE SOMEONE who’s lost their way a little bit.

And we want to TEACH YOU how to do it with your own child right now.

That’s why we’re giving you this FREE Guide.

So grab it now, while you can – we don’t want you to miss out on this chance to make a real difference in your child’s life.

Yes! I want to help my child thrive

(Get for free what took us 20 years to find out)
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