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High-Performance Culture

Learn to build a high-performance culture in your company…


Discovering Mastery, Autonomy & Purpose in my work!


The Latest Brain Science to Boost Your Business

Neuro Workshops

Eye-opening CPD and SABPP-accredited Workshops to Inspire Your Team

Strength-Based Development

Maximise Team and Individual Performance for Exponential Growth

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to unlock retention, engagement, productivity and growth.

LifeXchange Solutions has one purpose:

We energise the core of your company for exponential growth

Welcome to LifeXchange

LifeXchange Solutions is a change management company and organisational development consultancy that uses the latest neuroscience to show business how to manage and inspire staff for real growth. With numerous SABPP and CPD-accredited NeuroManagement workshops, mentoring coaching, team strengths and organisational development solutions for companies.



Take a look at our products

For teams

The latest neuroscience for effective employees

NeuroManagement Workshops >>

For individuals

Using staff strenghts to inspire and create growth

Strengths-Based Development >>

Mentoring culture

The latest brain science to ensure skills are passed on

Neuro-Mentoring Coaching >>

For leadership

The latest science for effective Exco, managers and team leaders

Management Training >>

For business

The latest neuroscience for supercharged successful businesses

Ogranisational Development >>

One of the best workshops I have ever attended. Besides being very energetic, informative and motivational, it gave me tools that I could immediately apply in my personal life and at work.

~ Zalta Kelbrick | HR Specialist at ByteOrbit

I would like to thank and congratulate LifeXchange Solutions personally – Dr Cobus is by far the best facilitator I’ve ever experienced. His humorous assertion, depth of knowledge and experience combine with simple activities that bring important points home. It was impressive and valuable as a total package.

~ André Labuschaigne | CEO of Cape Union Mart

The Strengths-Based approach helped me identify my unique strengths and embrace my authentic self. It enables me to make better choices about daily tasks and how to execute them individually and in a team. I recommend Strengths training to everyone who wants to optimise their potential.

~ Marieta Knight | Employee Wellness Practitioner

One of the best, if not the best, workshops I have attended in my entire career. My people enjoyed it, learned a great deal and we found the insights extremely valuable.

~ Carl Buhrmann | Hospital General Manager at MediClinic Bloemfontein

This workshop helped me dig deep to identify and develop strengths I was not consciously aware of. I learned to better conduct difficult conversations and hold people accountable for their responsibilities in ways that dramatically improved my relationship with colleagues and supervisors. It improved my ability to influence real change.

~ Mothomone Pitsi | Director at National Department of Health

I did the LifeXchange Solutions workshop and I can’t wait for the next one. Getting a clearer understanding of how the brain works and how powerful a tool it is for growing your business is truly a next level experience.

~ Amelia Henning | Owner of MielieMatrix Productions

Management & HR News: Geared for Growth

All the latest HR, organisational development and change management news and insights

From case studies and the latest neuroscience updates for business to interviews with real-world pros, HR tools to in-depth looks at new strategies for the best in change management and maximising the people in your business for exponential growth.

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4 Most Common Company Culture Types – Which Are You?

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